Our local and international experience, as well as the support from our global network present in over 60 countries, allow us to create new possibilities for our clients in holistic consultancy, audit, taxes, accounting and legal services solutions.

Industrial operations and its markets entail numerous challenges with which we are intimately acquainted. For this reason, our advisory contributes an indispensable value that brings ease to the decision-making process, while increasing benefits.

Several activities comprise Uruguay’s agribusiness, and we have extensive experience in each one to provide solutions that give you a competitive advantage.

We are experiencing a change of paradigm in the access to financing, and we can help you leverage that through strategic innovation.

Whole-sale and retail companies can count on our professional advisory which, along with the use of innovative technology, increases their revenue.

We are experiencing a change of paradigm in the access to Our team is completely dedicated to managing your assets, as well as creating trusts with fiscal matters in mind.

Both nationally and internationally, we count on the resources made available to us by the Parker Russell network, and the knowledge of outstanding professionals who can give you an edge on real estate investments and property management.

Financial services, in each of their nuances and regulations, require an expert guidance, which we offer at the local and global levels.

The services sector displays countless business opportunities, for which we are a key partner in holistic strategic counseling.